Overarching Results

The first part of the Inspiration Type Index is the Input Processing Cycle. This cycle is made up of the 3 components of how people turn input into inspiration. Input can be categorized by its type (labeled as Input Type) and breadth (labeled as Input Scope), as well as how long it takes to process the input (Processing Time).

The second piece of the Inspiration Type Index is Structure.  Structure refers to how many guidelines or constraints are placed on the creative output, such as goals for the campaign, specific dimensions that a client requested, or other specifications. 

Input Processing Cycle

Input Type

Input Type is information that sparks inspiration. The key distinction about inspiration input is - what type of information makes someone want to create? The resulting creation can be tangible work, or more intangible concepts, like theories. The three main categories of Input Type are Artistic Technical, Logical, and Emotional.  

Input Scope

Input Scope refers to the breadth of the input, on a sliding scale from Detail to Big Picture. Detail means a small scope of input is what catches your curiosity and makes you want to create, while Big Picture refers to large scope input being what piques your interest and inspires. Scope measures the size of the information, meaning that there are six possible combinations of input type and scope: Detail Artistic Technical, Detail Logical, Detail Emotion, Big Picture Artistic Technical, Big Picture Logical and Big Picture Emotional.

Processing Time 

Processing Time refers to the speed at which the input is processed into inspiration.  The sliding scale goes from “Drop Everything” (Instantaneous) to Marinating (Over a period of time).  Drop Everything processing means that the input to inspiration speed is rapid, and the complete idea must be harnessed or at least caught in the moment or it will likely disappear.  Marinating means that input is processed at a slower pace, and can often be multi-tasked with other things over a period of time before the inspiration fully matures.  


Structure Components

Structure refers to how many guidelines or constraints are placed on the creative output, such as goals for the campaign, specific dimensions that a client requested, or other specifications. The spectrum of structure is Minimal Structure to Maximum Structure. Since structure is not related to the Input Processing Cycle, some people will use both the Input Processing Cycle and Structure, one more than the other, or just one.